- -€21.00
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Box of 4x Iyengar Yoga chair without front bar
Eclectik Yoga has taken care to choose this chair "without front bar" and with 2 back bars:
stability and solidity with double hinges too.
its measurements in accordance with the practice of Iyengar Yoga.
Classic use to facilitate seated twists, support back postures, etc. It allows you to settle in and maintain postures such as Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana, Salamba Sarvagana, half Halasana... to fully obtain their benefits.
Maximum weight supported 110 kg
Silver metallic color.
Before the first uses, it is necessary to have a solid foundation in the practice of yoga with chair. Take advices from your certified Iyengar Yoga teacher.
Book reference : "Pratique du yoga Iyengar avec une chaise" by Eyal Schifroni, éditions La Plage, 2017.